A Guide for Foreigners Marrying in Zanzibar.

Summary note

  • The governing body.
  • Types of marriages recognized in Zanzibar.
  • Requirements and documents for getting married in Zanzibar.

Foreigners may decide to marry a local Zanzibari/ Tanzanian or plan a destination wedding in Zanzibar.

The governing body:

The marriages in Zanzibar are registered under the Zanzibar Civil Status Registration (ZCSRA)

Types of marriages recognized in Zanzibar:

In Zanzibar there are two types of marriages recognized under the law

  • Civil marriage– is a nonreligious, legal marriage ceremony presided by an authorized official
  • Religious marriage– a marriage ceremony which is based on religious beliefs of the partners i.e. Christian, Muslims, Hindu etc

Requirements and documents for getting married in Zanzibar:

Documents Required

The couple are required to submit the following documents:

  • Valid Passports: Copies of the passports of both the bride and groom
  • Birth Certificates: Originals or certified copies of birth certificates.
  • Affidavit of Single Status: this is a sworn statement or affidavit stating that you are single and free to marry. This must be notarized.
  • Divorce or Death Certificates: If either party has been previously married, they must provide a certified copy of either divorce papers or the death certificate of the former spouse, if applicable.
  • Translations of documents- this is ifany of the documents are not in English, they will be required to be officially translated and certified.

Notice of Marriage and Application for “Special Marriages License”
If the couple have less than 21 days required to put “a notice of intention to marry”, they are required to make an application for “Special Marriages Licence” from the Registrar of Marriages An application form for “Special Marriages Licence” will be issued and dully filled and a copy of the certificate of no impediment attached to it. The form must be signed and legalised by an advocate. The form must then go back the Registrar of Marriages where it will be checked, a fee will be paid, and the “Special Marriage License” will be issued.

With this license the couple must report to the District Commissioner’s office, Church or Mosque (depending on the place where the marriage will take place and the person who will solemnise the marriage) to set the date of the marriage. Two witnesses selected by the couple (resident or non-resident) will have to accompany the couple on the marriage date. After the ceremony, a Marriage Certificate (in duplicate) will be issued.

 Marriage Ceremony

The marriage ceremony can either be civil or religious depending on the desires of the couple.

 Marriage Certificate

After the ceremony, the couple receives marriage certificates issued by either religious leaders or the government official for civil marriages. The couple are then required to register and obtain a marriage certificate from the Zanzibar Civil Status Registration (ZCSRA). The registration fee is TZS 20,000/- (Tanzania Shillings Twenty Thousand).

Attestation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

The couple is required to attest the marriage certificate at the Ministry of Foreign affairs for it to be duly recognized by the United Republic of Tanzania. The attestation fee is TZS 20,000/- (Tanzania Shillings Twenty Thousand).

Registration at the Embassy/ Consulate

The couple are advised to register the marriage with their home country’s embassy or consulate in Tanzania after the wedding to ensure it’s recognized in their country.


Foreigners may decide to get married in Zanzibar. However, they are required to abide with the local requirements for their marriage to be valid.

Disclaimer: This article is authored by Jill Kato, an Associate from Rive & Co, a new and innovating law firm as a result of the partnership between ABC Attorneys, Stallion Attorneys and Sepia Attorneys, built on the foundation of trust, credibility, and novelty, offering expert legal solutions.  This Article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. It is recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional for advice specific to your situation.

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